Agreement to Terms

Agreement to the NeoLAB Integrated Membership Terms and Conditions

1. Integrated Membership Terms

  • Once you have logged in, you will be taken to the new integrated membership agreement screen.

  • You only need to agree to this once during your initial login.

    • Users who have used Pen manager, NeoStudio, and Gridaboard in the past also need to agree to the new agreement.

  • If you have already agreed to the integrated membership agreement in the Neostudio (mobile app), you can enter the main screen without seeing the agreement screen mentioned above.

2. Activation of the "Next" button during the integrated membership terms and conditions agreement

  • To proceed to the pen connection tutorial screen, the user must agree to all the required terms and conditions and optionally agree to the non-required ones.

  • If the user agrees to all the required terms and conditions or only the required ones, the [Next] button will be activated.

3. Deactivation of the "Next" button during the integrated membership terms and conditions agreement

  • If only one required term is checked or only non-required terms are checked during the terms and conditions agreement process, the [Next] button will remain disabled.

Errors that may occur after completing the terms and conditions agreement

If you have followed the above steps and still cannot log in properly, please refer to the following error cases.

Agreement to Terms error case

Last updated